Color Me Purple Pie

As someone who emigrated to the States after their formative years, for me, the idea of sweet potato pie is, well, foreign. But as I was browsing for pie-spiration – thanks Pinterest! – a tantalizing purple pie jumped off the page at me.

Further investigation – thanks Google! – revealed that it was a pie made with Okinawan sweet potatoes. Okina-where the heck do I find that?

My pilgrimage to Safeway was a bust, followed by a nonstarter at our local grocer. The Korean market offered a plethora of potato varieties, none purple, as I could tell. Then, on my way out I spotted a new row of bins where I got my prize! Not the Okina-whatever potatoes (which are a antioxidant powerhouse, apparently), but purple sweet potatoes of some sort nonetheless.

While the potatoes cooked, I contemplated the nutmeg-cinnamon option for one hot second, but my Slavic roots took over, and I opted for the fried onions + sour cream fare in pirog dough.

The final product was comfort food at its finest, with its sweet and savory flavors. And how gorgeous is that purple?!


Inaugural Cream Pie


Chocoholic Cream Pie