Inaugural Cream Pie

Cream pies are unlike any pie I’d known growing up in Lithuania. Pie is supposed to be hot. Period. The whole non-bake pie concept feels a lot like cheating.

But I’m being open-minded, I’m pushing myself here, people!

This being my first foray into the cream pie category, I looked at a ton of recipes, a few dozen more than really acceptable for a healthy work recess. I ruled out ones that required any sort of egg tempering – don’t judge, there are limits to how far I’m ready to go. And so I settled on what seemed like a recipe I could understand: cream cheese, lemon juice, condensed milk. Great – a busy mom can appreciate a short shopping list.

It was super quick and easy to put together and the result was surprisingly delightful. Don’t consider me a convert just yet – not baking the pie felt totally weird – but this one is absolutely going on my repeat list.


Samosa-ish Pie


Color Me Purple Pie