Coco-Butternut Pie

My kitchen tool chest just got a little sharper with addition of a ceramic knife. How did I miss an introduction of this super-freak knife?! Intrigued as I was, I was completely unprepared and flustered by its finely honed edge, cutting my thumb while removing the damn thing from its packaging.

Since then, I’ve been (very cautiously!) testing it on anything and everything. I hadn’t particularly planned on trying it against a butternut squash, but during one of my grocery runs, I forgot to get the pre-cut kind and had to pick up a whole one at a produce market.

The knife passed with fying colors. I chopped the squash with ease. Then, ran to get a band-aid! “No guts, no glory” they say? Didn’t think it’d be pie-related. I’m fine. I was really more surpised than.. um, bleeding. It’s all good. I have a super sharp knife that cuts butternut squash like no-biggie.

Lesson learned? Make a shopping list before heading to the store!!

Back to the pie, I roasted the squash, then blended it with coconut milk until it was perfectly silky. Mixed with a bit of goat cheese, eggs, and spices, it went into the oven.

It took a while for the filling to set, and the wait was well worth it!


Homey Pot Pie


Kibinai Hand Pie