Leftovers Pot Pie

Leftovers are the worst. I try to avoid them, if possible. I hate packaging everything away in tiny little containers and then playing rearrange-the-fridge game. Because let’s face it, most of those little containers will likely only be re-opened two weeks later, their contents destined for the garbage disposal. And I hate throwing food away!

After a weekend of hosting, my fridge was a leftover-jenga. Surveying the wreckage, I spotted a bit of pie dough and a half-can of coconut milk remaining from my last piexperiment. And suddenly ( gloriously!) it came into sharp focus: a piece of roasted chicken, a rogue sweet potato, chunks of cauliflower.

I put it all in a pot, coconut milk included, with some sweet chili sauce, lemon juice, and just a tiny bit of ginger (because DHHG – dear husband hates ginger). When all the flavors melded together, I waited for it all to cool* before dividing it into four little ramekins and topping them with the pie dough.

There was just enough pie crust to cover the tops, and I actually prefer the one-crusted pot pie. Some might call it cheating. Well, I call it a selfless sacrifice to the weight scale gods. And, really, it’s the perfect amount of flaky crust to satisfy you flaky-crust craving.

It was another Pie Dream success, and not only because DHDNG (dear husband didn’t notice ginger).

Aaah, leftovers are the best, or what?! I cleared some fridge space and made a tasty little treat in the process.

* The filling has to cool, people! Otherwise, your gorgeous crust becomes a gooey mess. And that’s sad :(


Spiked Persimmon Pie


Homey Pot Pie